Set Out on a Journey of Exploration

Travel broadens horizons, creates memories.

a car driving on a road

Self-Drive Holiday in Scotland – What do I need?

A self-drive holiday in Scotland is a fantastic option for having total flexibility and control over your itinerary. With beautiful scenery and some iconic routes to explore, Scotland’s the ideal destination. How about the North Coast 500? It’s definitely a bucket list trip for many for a reason. Or venture further afield to explore Shetland at your own pace. With magical light and scenery, as well as ample opportunity to spot wildlife, do remember your binoculars and camera!

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a car driving on a road with a body of water in the background

Self-Guided Tours in Scotland 2022

The positive benefits of self-guided tours in Scotland are many. There’s flexibility to set your own schedule and pace and great scope for independent exploration. Travelling by bicycle provides daily fresh air and exercise. It allows you to experience the scenery and landscape at a slower and more intimate pace than by car or bus. Whichever method of transport you choose, there are infinite opportunities to meet your wildlife-spotting or photography goals with the ability to stop whenever you want to. 

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a person standing on a rock with his arms outstretched

Spirit Journeys Top Holiday Blogs 2021

As another difficult year living with Covid-19 comes to an end, we share with you our top Holiday 2021 blogs that have inspired and enthused our customers  to visit far off places and our homeland of Scotland with us at Spirit Journeys Worldwide.

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a carnival at night with lights

Scotland at Christmas

There’s so much to do during Autumn and winter in Scotland and Scotland at Christmas is the most wonderful place.
Events and entertainment, winter weather, cold and clear skies, festivals, music, markets, and reindeer all make Scotland the place to visit.

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a person sitting on a dock looking at the sunset

Take A Wellness Break or Go Nuts!

Maybe it’s just me but everything and everyone seems to be on speed constantly? Is it better to take a wellness break or go nuts!  I’m ‘running’ all the time and still got a few kilos over. Lol. For real, people are turning into basket cases. Lack of time, money, patience, love, understanding…there’s more on the list. But, on the other hand, lots of stress, negative energy…A few days ago, I literally cut my finger, found myself in ER, in a complete state of a shock. After that, I went to my regular chat/gossip coffee with friends. One of them was angry with her boss, that pompous, pressing…The other one said her kids were driving her crazy and the husband…let’s skip this one. In brief, we all agreed – we need a break and to run away for a while. But, where?

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a silhouette of hands making a heart with a plane in the background

Responsible Tourism – It Does Matter

It’s a serious set of rules you should follow in order to be a responsible traveller. It includes respect towards environment, local community, cultural heritage and economic needs of the countries you travel to.

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star rating  M&M Japan Nov 2023 - Our experience with SJ travel organising our 2week bespoke trip to Japan was first class.
Flights/ accommodation booked and clearly documented both on paper and with their app if... read more

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January 25, 2024