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Take A Wellness Break or Go Nuts!

Is it better to take a wellness break or go nuts?  

Maybe it’s just me but everything and everyone seems to be on speed constantly? Is it better to take a wellness break or go nuts!  I’m ‘running’ all the time and still got a few kilos over. Lol. For real, people are turning into basket cases. Lack of time, money, patience, love, understanding…there’s more on the list. But, on the other hand, lots of stress, negative energy…A few days ago, I literally cut my finger, found myself in ER, in a complete state of a shock. After that, I went to my regular chat/gossip coffee with friends. One of them was angry with her boss, that pompous, pressing…The other one said her kids were driving her crazy and the husband…let’s skip this one. In brief, we all agreed – we need a break and to run away for a while. But, where?

In my opinion, all of us should search for the reason or better say, the cause of problems in ourselves. The point is to slow down the pace, to think about priorities. It’s easy to just run away from everything.

Some research show that people choose to travel as a solution to their problems and stressful life. And, 1 in 5 British at least once a year go on a wellness break. And the trip motivations are pretty much the same everywhere.

Why Choose a Wellness Break?

What a great idea! When you think of it more closely, wellness journeys focus on mind/body/spirit balance. They offer lots of personal and spiritual growth activities and usually include fitness, detox, yoga, meditation, healthy eating habits, trekking.

What is a Wellness Break?

The basic concept of a wellness break is to relax, slow down your pace, get rid of stress, bad habits in a general sense of the meaning, increase the level of self-respect in order to bring your body and mind into harmony and improve relationships with other people.

One of the core messages, according to my personal opinion, is to get in touch with nature, because, we are natural beings and if we lose this bond with nature, we lose ourselves. That’s why all these fabulous journeys are settled in idyllic and picture book places with stunning scenery all around you, nice and polite people, all willing to help you have a memorable time… An Earth paradise. Or, as a great Latin quote says – Carpe Diem – seize the day.

Where to go for a Wellness Break.

There’s a wide palette of perfect wellness runaways all around the world. In Thailand, India, Bali, Spain, Cyprus and many other out of this world spots. The final choice is up to your own taste.

Are Wellness Breaks Expensive?

There are some misconceptions that these breaks are created only for elite. Wrong. There are loads of affordable wellness breaks in UK. For instance, Fonab Castle Hotel in Scotland  is a magnificent place where you can dive into ‘beyond ordinary’ wellness experience.

Summa summarum, at the end of a wellness awakening experience, people come back home full of energy and positive perspective on life and everyday responsibilities. As if you have drunk an energetic booster, everything converts into quite different shapes, much easier to accept and deal with.

In a nutshell, it’s better to enjoy a wellness break at least once a year than become a nuts.

If we can help you from going nuts and arrange a wellness break, contact us.

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January 25, 2024