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Travelling Solo


Ever thought about travelling solo?

Travelling solo can be one of the most exciting, eye-opening journeys you will ever experience.  Travelling solo offers freedom, opportunities for self-reflection and growth.

When you travel alone, you travel on your terms.  You can connect with people if you wish or you can avoid them if you fancy a bit of peace and quiet, you travel on your terms.

Travelling solo means that you can choose your own itinerary, you don’t need to consider others and what they want to do, where and what they want to eat, you are completely free to choose what to do and when.

If you have never travelled solo before it can also be a bit daughnting.  One of the concerns for solo travellers is safety and while you should definitely be cautious, you should not let it hold you back from heading off on your next adventure.

Where should I travel solo?

Picking the right destination can make all of the difference to your trip, some places are better suited to travelling solo than others.  At Spirit Journey Worldwide we know our destinations and so we can help you choose your next adventure to ensure you feel safe and confident.

What else can I do to ensure I feel safe travelling solo?

Travel insurance is always a good idea, as is telling your friends and family where you are going, maybe checking in with them at an arranged time.  There are apps that you can use too, like find my friends making it easy to find friends and family that are connected to you.

Will I get bored?

When you are travelling solo you can at times get bored or lonely but finding ways to keep yourself entertained and challenging yourself is a way to combat this.  Being curious about exploring a new city or heading off on a new adventure on a bike or visiting a museum or art gallery where you can take as much time as you want will ensure that boredom doesn’t creep in.

If you are unsure about what to do when you are away, speak to us about planning your itinerary with you, we are always happy to help and our knowledge of so many destinations will help.

Embrace ultimate freedom

Travelling solo gives you ultimate freedom to do things at your own speed, embrace it!

You might get up in the morning and after a leisurely breakfast feel inspired to go sightseeing, just sit and read a book or slip on the hiking boots and head off on a hike, the joy is making those decisions for yourself and not needing to consider anyone else.

If you enjoy photography and with no plan or schedule you could spend the day capturing beautiful landscapes or bustling city side streets.  When you are left to roam the creative juices will be flowing.

How can I find out more about travelling solo?

There are many ways to research your solo trip.  Social media and the internet are packed with ideas, tips and advice.

Social media also makes it easy to ask locals for advice on what’s around and where are the best places to visit.

You might even feel that an organised itinerary is best for you, especially if it is you first solo trip.  We can help you with planning your trip and provide advice on the best places to visit.  We can also put together an excursion package for you, hire you a vehicle, arrange a guide or join you onto a group excursion so that you can make new friends or connections.

The most important thing about travelling solo is to enjoy it!  Travelling solo allows you to be whoever you want to be, embrace it, dive into the experience, trust yourself and your gut feelings and express your personality…. You won’t regret it.

We are here to help.

If you would like to speak to us about your solo journey please contact us.  We are here to help you make memories to last a lifetime.

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star rating  M&M Japan Nov 2023 - Our experience with SJ travel organising our 2week bespoke trip to Japan was first class.
Flights/ accommodation booked and clearly documented both on paper and with their app if... read more

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January 25, 2024